Hope, Arkansas holds their 46th Watermelon Festival

Dylan Kilgore stands proudly next to his 79lb watermelon on Saturday during the 46th Watermelon Festival in Hope, Arkansas. (Staff Photo by Erin DeBlanc)
Dylan Kilgore stands proudly next to his 79lb watermelon on Saturday during the 46th Watermelon Festival in Hope, Arkansas. (Staff Photo by Erin DeBlanc)

Staff Photo by Erin DeBlanc

n Dylan Kilgore stands proudly next to his 79lb watermelon on Saturday during the 46th Watermelon Festival in Hope, Ark.

Staff Photo by Erin DeBlanc

n George Sanders, son of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Amelia Caldwell hold up their winning trophies for the age category 0-7 for the watermelon eating contest Saturday at the Rockin' it to the Rind 46th Watermelon Festival in Hope, Ark.

Staff Photo by Erin DeBlanc

n Adults ages 17 and older compete on Saturday for the watermelon eating contest in Hope, Ark., during the 46th Watermelon Festival.

Staff Photo by Erin DeBlanc

n Maddie Murphy gives it her all on Saturday during the seed spitting contest for ages 0-7 at the 46th Watermelon Festival in Hope, Ark.

By Erin DeBlanc

photo George Sanders, son of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Amelia Caldwell hold up their winning trophies for the age category 0-7 for the watermelon eating contest at the Rockin' it to the Rind 46th Watermelon Festival in Hope, Arkansas on Saturday. (Staff Photo by Erin DeBlanc)
photo Adults ages 17 and older compete on Saturday for the watermelon eating contest in Hope, Arkansas during the 46th Watermelon Festival. (Staff Photo by Erin DeBlanc)
photo Maddie Murphy gives it her all on Saturday during the seed spitting contest for ages 0-7 at the 46th Watermelon Festival in Hope, Arkansas. (Staff Photo by Erin DeBlanc)

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